Crafting Harmony

A Journey Through Training Design, Instruction, and Workplace Investigations

Welcome to Amani Consultancy’s blog, where I intertwine my roles as a training designer, trainer, and workplace investigator to offer unique insights into fostering workplace harmony. In this narrative, we will explore the delicate art of weaving these “invisible threads” together to create an environment of understanding and growth in the corporate world.

Crafting the Blueprint: The Role of a Training Designer

My journey as a training designer is akin to an architect who meticulously designs structures. However, my structures are learning experiences tailored to address specific workplace challenges.

  1. Needs Assessment: Like a tailor assessing fabric, I begin by analysing the organisation’s training requirements and understanding the unique weave of their needs.

  2. Curriculum Development: I then craft an informative and engaging curriculum, ensuring it resonates deeply with its audience.

  3. Interactive Design: The essence lies in creating interactive scenarios that mirror real-life challenges, enhancing understanding and retention.

The Trainer: Breathing Life into Learning

Transitioning into the trainer role, I become both a storyteller and a guide, turning abstract concepts into tangible skills and knowledge.


  • Enhanced Immersive Learning: Integrating social learning, training evolves into a collaborative journey. Learners engage with each other, enriching the process with shared insights and experiences.

  • Amplified Real-World Relevance: Utilising peer learning and examples, training reflects real-world challenges, allowing learners to see practical applications of their knowledge.


  • Diverse Learning Styles: Catering to varied preferences can be challenging, as not all learners engage similarly with interactive methods.

  • Balancing Act: Maintaining the right balance between engaging content and educational depth is crucial to ensure the training’s effectiveness.

The Investigator: Unraveling Workplace Knots

As an external workplace investigator, my role is complex and nuanced, requiring a blend of analytical skills and emotional intelligence.

Neutral Fact-Finding: I conduct thorough investigations, untangling the maze of narratives to uncover objective truths.

Empathetic Interviews: Building trust is critical. I approach each interview with empathy, ensuring every voice is heard.

Key Challenges

Navigating Conflicts: Balancing empathy with objectivity can be challenging, especially in emotionally charged situations.

Implementing Recommendations: Proposing feasible and practical solutions within the organisational context often requires careful consideration.

The Synergy: Weaving Harmony

In the synergy of these roles, I aim to create a culture of continuous learning and improvement. My experiences as an investigator inform my training designs, ensuring they are grounded in the realities of the workplace. These roles contribute to a tapestry of understanding and growth, fostering a harmonious work environment.

The Invisible Threads Revealed

Join me on this journey of exploration and discovery, where every role plays a crucial part in the grand design of organisational excellence. Stay tuned for more insights, stories, and strategies from the crossroads of training, instruction, and investigative wisdom.


The Leaning Tower of Pisa Dilemma


Unraveling the Giraffe Spots Concept in Workplace Investigations