Complaint Procedure

This complaint procedure ensures that all complaints are taken seriously, addressed promptly, and resolved to the satisfaction of all parties involved. It is part of Amani Consultancy's commitment to providing excellent service and maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct. Your complaint is treated as confidential, and the rights and reputations of all involved parties are respected throughout the process.

  • Recognise the Complaint: The first step in the complaint process is acknowledging an issue. A complaint may be raised formally, through email ( or letter, or less formally, like a verbal mention during a meeting or conversation.

  • Initial Review and Response: Once a complaint is acknowledged, it should be forwarded to the assigned Mediator, who will review it. The person complaining should receive a written response acknowledging receipt of the complaint within two business days.

  • Investigation: After the initial review, the Mediator will thoroughly investigate. This could involve speaking with all parties, looking into supporting documentation or evidence and understanding the context and circumstances surrounding the issue.

  • Resolution Proposal: Based on the findings from the investigation, the Mediator will propose a resolution to the issue. This will be shared with the person who complained, along with a clear explanation of how the conclusion was reached.

  • Feedback and Follow-up: After sharing the proposed resolution, the Mediator will seek feedback from the complainant. If the proposed resolution is accepted, steps will be taken to implement the resolution. If it is not, the Mediator may reconsider and propose a different resolution or escalate the matter to a higher authority, as per Amani Consultancy's escalation policy.

  • Documentation and Review: All complaints, investigations, and resolutions should be detailed. These records will be reviewed regularly to understand trends, identify areas for improvement, and enhance the quality of service at Amani Consultancy.

  • Appeal: If the complainant is unsatisfied with the resolution proposed by the Mediator, they have the right to appeal the decision to the Civil Mediation Council on certain grounds.

Details of the CMC’s appeal processes can be found here: