Sushi Train Concept in Mediation

The “Sushi Train” concept in mediation is a symbolic approach designed to help conflicting parties understand and appreciate diverse perspectives. Like a sushi train, where different dishes are presented on a conveyor belt for diners to choose from, this concept involves presenting various perspectives and ideas in a conflict situation for consideration and understanding.

Application in Mediation

Setting the Scene: The mediator introduces the concept, explaining that each ‘dish’ on the sushi train represents a different viewpoint, idea, or emotion related to the conflict.

Conveyor Belt of Perspectives: The mediator encourages each party to place their perspectives, feelings, and needs onto the ‘conveyor belt’ for all parties to see.

Active Observation: Parties are encouraged to observe the passing ‘dishes’ without immediate judgment or reaction, akin to watching sushi pass by on a train and considering each option.

Choosing to Understand: Like selecting a dish from the sushi train, parties can choose to explore and understand each perspective. This symbolises taking the time to consider viewpoints other than their own.

Reflect and Discuss: After observing all perspectives, parties discuss what they’ve seen and understood. This step is crucial for developing empathy and appreciation for each other’s viewpoints.

Key Components

  • Neutral Presentation: Perspectives are shared neutrally without assigning blame.
    Variety and Inclusivity: Ensuring all voices and viewpoints are represented on the ‘conveyor belt’.

  • Respectful Observation: Parties must approach the exercise with an open mind and a willingness to understand, not immediately refute.

  • Guided Reflection: The mediator facilitates discussions around each perspective, helping parties delve deeper into understanding each other.


  1. Enhanced Understanding: Encourages parties to step outside their own experiences and consider multiple aspects of the conflict.

  2. Reduced Hostility: By visualising perspectives as neutral ‘dishes’, the emotional charge of conflict can be reduced.

  3. Creative Problem Solving: Diversity can lead to more innovative and mutually satisfying resolutions.


The Sushi Train concept in mediation is a creative tool designed to foster understanding and empathy in conflict resolution. By visualising different viewpoints as items on a conveyor belt, parties can more objectively consider and understand each other’s positions, leading to more effective and harmonious resolutions.

Implementation in Mediation

  • Pre-Mediation Assessment: Administer these assessments before the mediation sessions to gain insights into each party’s empathetic and perspective-taking abilities.

  • Tailored Approach: Use the results to tailor the Sushi Train concept, focusing on areas where parties might struggle or excel in understanding different perspectives.

  • Post-Exercise Debrief: Discuss the findings with the parties to enhance their self-awareness and understanding of the importance of multiple perspectives in conflict resolution
    By understanding each party’s strengths and weaknesses in empathy and perspective-taking, a mediator can more effectively guide them through acknowledging and appreciating the diverse viewpoints presented in the conflict scenario.

Case Study: The Sushi Train Approach in Mediation


A leading software company faced an internal conflict between its product development and sales teams. Misaligned goals, miscommunications, and mounting pressures had led to a breakdown in collaboration, negatively impacting the company’s performance.

The Conflict

The Product Development team, led by SL, felt the Sales team needed to make realistic promises to clients and understand the technical limitations. Conversely, TH, head of Sales, argued that the Product Development team needed to be more flexible and faster in responding to market needs, causing lost opportunities.

Intervention by Amani Consultancy

The company engaged Amani Consultancy, known for its innovative mediation approaches, to address this escalating conflict. Amani decided to implement the Sushi Train concept to facilitate understanding and resolution.

The Mediation Process

  1. Initial Assessment: Separate interviews were conducted with SL and TH to understand their perspectives.

  2. Introducing the Sushi Train Concept: In a joint session, the mediator explained how each viewpoint would be presented, like a dish on a sushi train, for consideration.

  3. Listing Perspectives: Each team listed their viewpoints, concerns, and feelings about the conflict.

  4. Observation Phase: These perspectives were shared individually in a neutral environment, allowing each side to observe without an immediate response.

Key Challenges

  1. Initial Resistance: Both teams were initially sceptical about the process.

  2. Emotional Investment: High frustration and blame levels had to be carefully navigated.

Strategies Used

  • Neutral Presentation: each perspective was presented without assigning blame.

  • Empathy Building Exercises: Before the primary session, exercises were conducted to enhance empathy and active listening skills.

  • Facilitated Reflection: a facilitated reflection period after each ‘dish’ was presented.


  • Increased Understanding: The teams began to recognise the challenges and pressures faced by each other.

  • Collaborative Solution Development: They jointly developed a new communication and collaboration protocol, addressing the conflict’s root causes.

  • Follow-Up Sessions: scheduled follow-up sessions to ensure the new protocols were implemented effectively.


SL and TH acknowledged that the Sushi Train approach helped them step back and objectively understand each other’s perspectives. The process led to a significant improvement in inter-departmental communication and collaboration.


The case above illustrates the effectiveness of the Sushi Train concept in mediating workplace conflicts. We facilitated a deeper understanding and resolution between the conflicting teams by creating a space where each perspective could be observed and considered without immediate judgment. This case study demonstrates the potential of creative mediation techniques in transforming workplace conflicts into opportunities for growth and collaboration. 


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