The Zeigarnik Resolution

The “Zeigarnik Effect”, named after the psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik, is a cognitive phenomenon wherein individuals tend to remember incomplete or interrupted tasks more vividly than those they have completed. This effect is attributed to the psychological tension and mental engagement that unfinished tasks create, making them more memorable and prompting a desire for resolution. In mediation, this translates to a heightened focus on unresolved conflicts, encouraging deeper engagement from the parties involved.

Application in Mediation

Identification of Unresolved Issues: The mediator helps the parties identify and articulate the unresolved issues at the heart of the conflict.

Focused Discussion: Parties engage in focused discussions on these issues, with the mediator facilitating dialogue that keeps these unresolved aspects at the forefront.

Iterative Problem-Solving: Solutions are developed iteratively, with the mediator guiding the parties through cycles of discussion, reflection, and revision.

Closure and Resolution: The approach aims for a comprehensive resolution that addresses all unresolved issues, leading to a more satisfactory and lasting agreement.

Key Components

  1. Sustained Engagement: Participants remain more mentally invested in finding a solution by focusing on unresolved aspects of a conflict.

  2. Continuous Focus: The approach keeps the mediation process dynamic and prevents stagnation, ensuring that all issues are addressed comprehensively.

  3. Creative Problem-Solving: The psychological tension arising from unresolved issues fosters creativity, encouraging parties to think outside the box for solutions.

Implementation in Mediation

  1. Segmented Conflict Resolution: Utilising the Zeigarnik Effect, we intentionally keep certain aspects of conflicts unresolved in initial sessions, promoting continuous cognitive engagement.

  2. Tailored Psychometric Assessments: Incorporating tools like the Conflict Resolution Profile and Emotional Intelligence Assessments (EQ-i) to understand each party's conflict management style and emotional competencies.

  3. Scheduled Follow-Ups and Reflective Tasks: Ensuring unresolved issues remain a priority and encourage deeper reflection between sessions.

Case Study 1: Zeigarnik Resolution in Commercial Mediation


A software company faced a significant dispute with one of its key suppliers, HC, over delayed component deliveries and quality issues.

The Conflict

The conflict between the software company and its supplier, HC, arose due to the delayed delivery of components and quality issues. The software company was dissatisfied with the services provided by HC and decided to take action to resolve the matter.

Mediation Process

  1. Identification of Core Issues: The mediator identified the primary unresolved issues: delivery timelines, quality standards, and communication breakdown.

  2. Focused Discussions: The parties engaged in targeted discussions about each issue, centring the conversation on these specific unresolved aspects.

  3. Creative Solutions: Through iterative discussions, the software company and HC brainstormed creative solutions, such as revised delivery schedules, enhanced quality checks, and improved communication channels.

  4. Comprehensive Agreement: The mediation concluded with a detailed agreement addressing each identified issue, satisfying both parties and preventing future conflicts.

Case Study 2: Zeigarnik Resolution in Workplace Mediation


An enterprise faced an internal conflict between its executive team and the operations department over resource allocation.

The Conflict

A clash of priorities led to tension and communication breakdown, affecting company operations.

Mediation Process

  • Initial Assessment: Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution Profile assessments were conducted

  • Segmented Mediation Sessions: Initially, key issues were identified and strategically left unresolved.

  • Reflective Homework: Parties were given tasks related to the unresolved issues to ponder between sessions.

  • Follow-Up: Regular sessions were scheduled, where new insights were shared and discussed.

  • Resolution: This approach led to innovative resource allocation strategies and improved team collaboration.


The enterprises reported a resolution to their conflict and significantly improved team dynamics and problem-solving abilities.


The Zeigarnik Resolution Approach in mediation offers a novel and effective way to resolve conflicts. By harnessing the psychological principle of the Zeigarnik Effect, this approach maintains engagement, fosters continuous focus, and encourages creative problem-solving. Whether in commercial disputes or other conflict scenarios, this method paves the way for more comprehensive and lasting resolutions, transforming conflicts into opportunities for collaboration and growth.

Discover the Power of Unfinished Business with Amani's Zeigarnik Resolution Approach!

Transform how you resolve conflicts with Amani Consultancy's innovative Zeigarnik Resolution Approach. Join us at Amani Consultancy and embrace a new era of conflict resolution – where every unresolved issue is a stepping stone to greater understanding and cooperation. Let's turn your challenges into opportunities for growth with the Zeigarnik Resolution Approach. Contact us today to learn more and start your journey towards enduring resolutions!


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