Workplace Investigation Services Offered by Amani Consultancy

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

What is a Workplace investigation?

A workplace investigation constitutes a fundamental stage in addressing allegations of misconduct or disputes within an organisation. It represents an impartial and methodical process with the following objectives:

  • Compilation of all pertinent evidence through the review of documents, interviews with witnesses and involved parties, and other investigative methods.

  • Ascertainment of the veracity of the situation through a comprehensive analysis of the collated evidence.

  • Preservation of a secure and respectful work environment by ensuring an equitable and uniform approach to issue resolution.

Addressing Managerial Concerns

Managers may hesitate to commission an investigation due to concerns about time, staff morale, or potential outcomes. However, if you are contemplating an investigation, it is likely necessary. An external professional investigation demonstrates your commitment to your responsibilities and the well-being of your staff. Addressing issues appropriately reduces risks and positively reflects your actions in the eyes of courts and tribunals.

Importance of properly conducted workplace investigations

  • Compliance: Investigations ensure you meet legal requirements and follow guidelines like the Acas Code of Practice for Disciplinaries and Grievances. Non-compliance can lead to increased compensation payouts in tribunals.

  • Fairness: By taking a neutral approach, you can ensure all parties are heard and treated justly.

  • Informed Decisions: The investigation findings provide a solid foundation for making appropriate disciplinary or corrective actions.

  • Reduced Risk: Thorough investigations can potentially minimise future legal claims.

  • Reach out to the investigator for an initial conversation to discuss your situation and the need for an independent investigation.During this conversation, you should outline the specifics of your situation and the reasons why an independent investigation is required. This will provide the investigator with a comprehensive understanding before proceeding with the investigation.

  • Provide key documents, and any relevant paperwork, such as grievances, incident reports, or a summary of the situation.

  • In our upcoming focal meeting, we will address the terms of reference, covering our specific tasks, the sources from which we will gather evidence, and the timelines associated with each task to ensure a comprehensive understanding of our responsibilities.

  • We will then begin conducting investigations, initiating inquiries which involve conducting interviews with key witnesses and involved parties. Additionally, perform open-source intelligence (OSINT) investigations. This entails the systematic gathering of comprehensive evidence from publicly available sources to systematically gather comprehensive evidence.

  • We submit a draft report for your review and discuss any necessary amendments.

  • We deliver the final report of the investigation, along with all supporting documents, in a separate bundle.This bundle should include but is not limited to the findings, analysis, conclusions, and any relevant exhibits or appendices.

Our Investigation Process

Our Role in Workplace Investigation

As independent external workplace investigators, we conduct thorough investigations into disciplinary or grievance issues. Our goal is to establish the facts surrounding a specific incident, including whether any misconduct occurred, the circumstances of the incident, the individuals involved, and whether any laws or company policies were violated. With a strong background in Organisational Behavioural Psychology, we have expertise in workplace dynamics and behaviours. By implementing our recommendations, you can effectively reduce risks and minimize exposure to potential legal claims, leading to a more harmonious and compliant workplace.

Timeline: We act swiftly, commencing investigations within 4 to 8 working days after agreeing on the terms of reference. The duration of the investigation will depend on the specifics of the case, and we will provide an estimated timeline at the outset.

Report Status in Disciplinary Actions or Litigation

Our role is independent, and the report, along with all documents, will not be subject to professional privilege. The report will be included in any disciplinary pack and disclosed in any ensuing litigation.

Scope of Services

Workplace Investigations Proactive Investigations

  • Analysing departing employees' feedback to identify potential issues and improvement areas.

  • Analysing organisational culture, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and potential issues.

  • Conducting surveys to measure employee morale, engagement, and job satisfaction.

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of performance management systems and processes.

  • Assessing the organisation's commitment to diversity and inclusion and identifying areas for improvement.

  • Assisting in creating or updating workplace policies and procedures.

  • Training employees on anti-discrimination, harassment, and bullying prevention.

Cultural Sensitivity in Workplace Investigations

  • Recognising that different cultures have varying communication styles, conflict resolution approaches, and power dynamics.

  • Ensuring effective communication by using clear and understandable language, avoiding jargon, and considering language barriers.

  • Providing interpreter services if necessary to facilitate communication with individuals who do not speak the dominant language.

  • Seeking guidance from cultural experts or sensitivity training to enhance understanding of specific cultures.

  • Identifying and addressing potential biases in the investigation process, including unconscious biases.

  • Adapting interview techniques to accommodate different cultural communication styles.

  • Accommodating religious or cultural observances and practices during the investigation process.

  • Ensuring confidentiality of sensitive information, especially in cultures where sharing information is not common practice.

Workplace Investigations Reactive Investigations

  • Resolving employee complaints about workplace conditions, pay, or disciplinary actions.

  • Responding to data breaches to mitigate risks and protect sensitive information.

  • Examining claims of unfair treatment based on protected characteristics.

  • Conducting confidential inquiries into allegations of wrongdoing or illegal activities.

  • Investigating accidents, injuries, or workplace violence to identify root causes and prevent recurrence.

  • Examining allegations of misconduct by licensed professionals.

  • Investigating allegations of unwanted behaviour creating a hostile work environment.

  • Protecting intellectual property through investigations into theft or misuse.

  • Investigating incidents of violence or threats to ensure employee safety.

High-Conflict Coaching Services

  • Conducting a thorough review of the crisis response to identify lessons learned and areas for improvement. This helps to enhance the organisation's crisis management capabilities for future incidents.

  • Provide training for employees and management on topics related to workplace investigations, such as handling complaints, conducting interviews, and maintaining confidentiality.

  • We develop and implement effective communication strategies to manage internal and external stakeholders during a crisis. This includes crafting key messages, managing media inquiries, and providing timely updates.

  • We Develop a comprehensive crisis management plan that outlines roles, responsibilities, and procedures for handling various crisis scenarios. This plan should be regularly reviewed and updated.

  • Identify and prioritise key stakeholders, such as employees, media, investors, and regulators. By Developing strategies to communicate effectively with each group.

  • We Protect and rebuild the organisation's reputation through strategic communication and actions. This includes addressing public concerns, mitigating negative publicity, and restoring trust.

  • We offer support and guidance during and after the investigation process, so organisations can mitigate potential damage to their reputation, employee morale, and overall business operations.

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Investigation

  • Examining the social media profiles of involved parties can provide insights into their behaviour, relationships, and potential inconsistencies in their statements.

  • Accessing public records like court documents, property records, and licensing information can corroborate or contradict information provided by witnesses.

  • In some cases, investigating the dark web can uncover hidden information relevant to the case.

  • Monitoring news and media coverage can provide context for the investigation and identify potential witnesses or evidence.

  • Analysing location data can help to verify witness statements or identify potential evidence.

  • Gathering information about competitors or industry trends can provide valuable context for the investigation.

  • Mapping relationships between individuals involved in the investigation can reveal hidden connections and potential conflicts of interest.

  • Examining an individual's online presence can provide insights into their personality, beliefs, and potential inconsistencies.

  • Assessing the online reputation of the organization can help identify potential risks or threats.